Apr 30, 2023
As I do interviews with Representatives in my home State of Louisiana, I frequently think about how often issues in every State overlap. And how frequently each State's legislation reflects what is happening in DC. And you will see a little of that in this interview with Representative Newell. And she attempted to...
Apr 30, 2023
What you hear in the national news is happening on a local level in every State. Sometime the issue isn't exactly the same, but the process or how they are spending our money is the same and needs to be pointed out. Representative Bagley talks about his legislation and something that is coming up this week that may make...
Apr 30, 2023
Listen carefully because what you will hear in this interview is happening in your State and America and his legislation could pertain to you wherever you are..... and his comment about where are freedoms are at risk certainly will too. Representative Muscarello discusses his legislation... Listen carefully.
Apr 24, 2023
Retired Special Operations Soldier, former DIA Intelligence
Collector, and ex-DEA Special Agent, targeted by the Deep State,
turned Whistle-Blower, now your intelligence officer exposing fake
Apr 23, 2023
Hunter Lundy is running as an independent for Governor of Louisiana. He has done very well for himself in his business life, and he has used his resume to help others as he explains in this interview. Now he wants to use his resume and compassion to help the State of Louisiana.