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William Wallis For America

Sep 28, 2021

This show is with with  Holly at Altitude that I met at the Mike Lindell Symposium and she is passionate about Election Integrity.  She has a blog at and she works with US Election Integrity Plan at  In this interview, she tells us what the organizations she works with are doing in...

Sep 27, 2021

In this episode, there are interviews with nine elected officials who have areas affected by Hurricane Ida.  Some of their districts overlap.  They all give some good information and updates on what happened, possible solutions for future storms, where their communities are now and what we can do to help.  These videos...

Sep 24, 2021

It's always a light-hearted jovial conversation with George Peterson with PDW Solutions, but the 2nd Amendment is still taken seriously, especially safety.  In this interview we discuss a lot of basics, because even with knowledgeable experts we still need to educate all the new gun owners and keep the basics...

Sep 23, 2021

This is not just an interview with a candidate.  This interview has a plethora of information about the City of New Orleans and how it is run, or the lack thereof.  Not only will you find JP Morrell, the candidate for City Council At-Large interesting, you will hear about his solutions and qualifications which make him...

Sep 22, 2021

Election Integrity is something that everyone should be united on. Fair, honest, secure, and accessible elections not only preserve our Country and our personal communities, it protects people's identities. In this interview, with Craig Schiro and Randy Russ of Louisiana Citizens For Election Integrity, they...