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William Wallis For America

Dec 28, 2020

My thoughts and several short interviews with people, while at the Great Southern Gun & Knife Show at the Kenner Pontchartrain Center in Louisiana.  Guests include the show coordinator, several vendors, and Capt. Black.  There are too many topics to list here but they are all interesting and insightful.

Dec 26, 2020

My first live on location Facebook Live/Podcast from Segnette Landing Restaurant.  This podcast gets off to a slow start but picks up steam on things we can unite on.

Dec 23, 2020

Despite all the meme's and "information" you are seeing on social media, what Congress actually passed is explained in this podcast by my friends at the SNW Law Firm.  Keith Naccari and Scott Sternberg from the firm will explain some things in it and more about it.  What actually happened is different from what you are...

Dec 20, 2020

William Wallis and Capt. Black discuss how Covid is affecting people in many ways and how to help them.

Dec 14, 2020

Both Democrats and Republicans should hear this because your candidate may win this time, but election fraud might help the other guy next time.  We need to fix the irregularities now and find ways to unite to protect all of our freedoms, liberties, and rights, even if we don't believe in someone else's